Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The United States of Double Standica

America on the surface seems to be a place of blessing and prosperity. WE love to brag about anyone being able to "make it" if one adheres to the requirement of work ethic. In some cases that can be very true however every one's script doesn't quite measure up with the classic Hollywood ending. The 700 billion dollar bailout is proof positive that there's a difference in how our government values big business in comparison to everyday people. The working class will ultimately foot the bill for this mess created by greed, corruption and the thirst for power; quenchable only in theory and not reality. Many Americans have succumbed to the hierarchy of double standards in American society. WE have conservatives that will preach fiscal responsibility, small government and taxpayer rights in one breath; only to betray the millions of sheep that hang on their every word with their "concession of support" . Sadly many of them walk the fine line of bigotry,(not necessarily racial) elitist ideals, and false moral principles that is historically divisive.

Liberals on the other hand present themselves as willing advocates in the plight of the working and underclass. Most are sincere in their efforts until they are challenged beyond their initial intentions. Morally it is hard to choose between some of the basic principles that most people of faith have been inundated with. The war of intellectual ideologies resemble the street gang wars between the bloods and crips. Fair minded people of all backgrounds are often told by both sides that they are either "liberal" or "conservative". Both sides are masters at appealing to the emotional makeup of those who have hangups about America's challenging societal evolvements. Most conservatives aren't willing to give an inch to the advancement of minorities, women and healthy debate about how to make America better as an organic unit.

The competing philosophies give more fuel to the fire of double standards in all walks of American life. Minorities in this country walk a fine line while the dominant culture continues to convey a message of tolerance in lieu of some very immoral behaviors. Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol wouldn't get the same respect as Malia Obama if she were a pregnant teen. Todd Palin's political involvement with an Extremist group in favor of Alaskan succession has gotten very little press in comparison to Sarah Palin smearing Obama's alleged association with "terrorist". Bill Ayers was once a man who believed in exploring every possibility of reforming America. He has since gone on to be a distinguished professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. It is on our constitution for patriots to take up arms against our government if we ever deemed it necessary. It's also in step with the right to bear arms which is championed by Palin and her NRA buddies.

The double standard is clear in America. WE give more time for crack rock than powdered cocaine. We were so self righteous about Mike Vick's dog fighting operation but Americans place bets for the Kentucky Derby on horses that are eventually "put to sleep" after they have outlived their usefulness. Studies show that Marijuana is less harmful than tobacco but Phillip Morris and their band of cronies make trillions selling cigarettes. It's Ok for to be a redneck or for white people to refer to each other as white trash but when the word nigger is used everybody wants to restrict the hip hop generation's use of it. America or should I say Double Standica's previous generation laughed at all of Richard Pryor's jokes about niggers and white folks. Now all of a sudden "Nigger" is bad again... Make up your mind Double Standica!!! There you have it people. The United States of Double Standard. Ain't life in Double Standica(America) grand?

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